CommuniGate Pro
Version 6.1


The CommuniGate Pro Server maintains a set of Statistics Elements containing information about the Server activity. These Elements can be be accessed via the built-in SNMP server ("SNMP agent"), Network CLI/API, CG/PL applications, and the WebAdmin Monitor pages.

Monitoring Statistics Elements via Web

Use the WebAdmin Interface to monitor the Server Statistics Elements via Web. Open the Statistics page in the Monitors realm.

Filter: MIB 30 of 248 selected
smtpInputActive 0   smtpInputTotal 0
smtpInputJobs 0   smtpInputTrafficIn 0

The page contains the list of the Statistics Elements and their current values. Each Element name is a link. Click the Element link to open the Element Monitor page.

You can use the Filter field and the Display button to filter Statistics elements by name.

The Element Monitor page contains a histogram allowing you to monitor how the Element value changes over time:

Total: 451K
Current: 152/sec
11:22:13AM 11:25:35AM

There are time stamps at the bottom of the histogram (the time stamp on the right is the latest sampling time). On the right side of the histogram the graphic scale is indicated.

The histogram traces the current value of the INTEGER-type Elements. For the COUNTER-type Elements, the histogram traces the difference between the last two sample values, divided by the number of seconds passed between samples.

The WebAdmin Preferences can be used to change the parameters of the Statistics Web Monitor subsystem.

Monitoring Statistics Elements via CLI/API

The CLI/API GETSTATELEMENT command allows a Server Administrator to monitor the Statistics Elements via the CLI/API interface and various CLI "wrappers".

Trigger Manager

The Trigger Manager monitors the values of selected Statistics Elements. A Trigger is "released" when the value of an INTEGER-type Element crosses the specified threshold, or when the value of a COUNTER-type Element has increased more than the specified limit over the specified period of time. For example, a Trigger can be "released" when there are more than 10,000 E-mail messages in the Server Queue (the value of the numQueuedMessages INTEGER-type Statistics Element is over 10,000) or when the SIP Module has to process more than 500 incoming requests per second (the value of the sipTotalServers COUNTER-type Statistics Element increased for more than 5000 during the last 10 seconds).

Configuring Trigger Handlers

A Trigger Handler specifies how a System Administrator or System Operator should be notified. Several notification methods are supported, and each Trigger Handler can use any number of supported methods.

Use the WebAdmin Interface to configure the Trigger Handlers. Open the General pages in the Settings realm, then open the Triggers pages.
Click the Handler link to configure the Trigger Handlers. The list of existing Trigger Handlers will appear. Each Trigger Handler has a name and notification methods with parameters:


There is an empty Trigger Handler at the bottom of the page. Enter a new Handler name and click the Update button to create a new Handler.

To remove a Handler, empty its Handler Name field and click the Update button.

To rename a Handler, change the value of its Handler Name field and click the Update button.

Notification via E-mail

To send Trigger Notifications via E-mail, select the Send E-mail option:

Send E-mail
This field specifies the Subject of E-mail messages sent with this Handler.
This field specifies the recipient(s) for E-mail messages sent with this Handler. Multiple recipients should be separated with the comma (,) symbol.
This field specifies the text of E-mail messages sent with this Handler.

The Subject and Body parameters can include the special symbol combinations:

This combination is replaced with the name of the Statistics Element that has released the Trigger.
This combination is replaced with the value of the Statistics Element threshold.
This combination is replaced with the actual value of the Statistics Element.
This combination is replaced with the current Server time.

Notification via Instant Messages

To send Trigger Notifications as an Instant Message, select the Send Instant Message option:

Send Instant Message
This field specifies the recipient for Instant Messages sent with this Handler.
This field specifies the text of Instant Messages sent with this Handler. This text can contain the same special symbol combinations that can be used in E-mail Notifications (see above).

Notification via SNMP Traps

To send Trigger Notifications as SNMP Traps, select the Send SNMP Trap option:

Send SNMP Trap
Active Monitors
To address field
This field specifies the addresses for computers to which SNMP Traps should be sent. Multiple addresses should be separated using the comma (,) symbol. Addresses can be specified as network (IP) addresses or as DNS domain names. If you want to send SNMP Traps not to the standard UDP port 162, but to a different port, specify the port number after the address, using the colon (:) symbol.
To Active Monitors
If this option is selected, the SNMP Trap is sent to all "Active SNMP Monitor" computers - all computers that have recently sent requests to the CommuniGate Pro SNMP module using the Trap Password "community name".

Notification via Account Alerts

To send Trigger Notifications as Account Alerts, select the Send Account Alert option:

Send Account Alert
This field specifies the names of CommuniGate Pro Accounts the Alert should be sent to. Multiple names should be separated using the comma (,) symbol.
This field specifies the text of the Alert. This text can contain the same special symbol combinations that can be used in E-mail Notifications (see above).

Notification via URL Requests

To send Trigger Notifications a URL requests, select the Send URL option:

Send URL
This field specifies the URL this Handler should send a request to. The text can contain the same special symbol combinations that can be used in E-mail Notifications (see above).

Frequency Limits

Each Trigger Handler has settings limiting the amount of notifications the Handler can generate. This limit is necessary, because some Element can get into the "red zone" (cross the threshold) and stay there for some period of time. Without a limit, the Trigger Handler would send notifications every time it sees the Element in the "red zone" (approximately every 5 seconds).

Frequency:not more than within

If the Handler has already sent the specified number of notification during the specified period of time, no more notification is sent, but the released Triggers are still recorded in the Server Log.

Specifying Triggers

You can specify a Trigger by setting a "threshold" for some Statistics Element.

For an INTEGER-type Element you specify the threshold as an integer value: if the Element value becomes larger than the threshold value, the Trigger is released.

For a COUNTER-type Element you specify the threshold as an integer value and a time period: if the Element value has increased for more than the threshold value during the specified period of time, the Trigger is released.

Use the WebAdmin Interface to specify Triggers. Open the General pages in the Settings realm, then open the Triggers pages. Click the Elements link to specify Triggers:

smtpInputJobs in
smtpInputMessagesReceived in

The Handler field specifies which Trigger Handler should be used to process this Trigger.

To remove a Trigger, reset its Threshold value (set it to ---).

If you want to disable a Trigger without removing its threshold value, reset its Handler field (set it to ---).


You may want to record the value of all Statistics Elements periodically.

Open the General pages in the Settings realm, then open the Triggers pages. Click the Events link and scroll to the bottom of the page:

Log all Element values every:

Select a desired time period and click the Update button. A record will be created in the "Statistics" Supplementary Log.

Each record contains the values of all Statistics Elements separated with the tabulation symbols.

The very first record of each file starts with the star (*) symbol and contains the Statistics Element names, also separated with the tabulation symbols. This record is also inserted after the CommuniGate Pro Server restarts, as the new version may have additional Statistics Elements.

Custom Statistics Elements

There are 10 custom COUNTER-type Elements named custom1, custom2, ... custom10. The Server components do not modify their values themselves, but they can be updated using the CG/PL functions.

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2018, Stalker Software, Inc.