CommuniGate Pro
Version 6.1

BSDLog Module

The CommuniGate Pro Server supports the BSD syslog protocol.

The BSDLog module acts as a BSD syslog server. It receives syslog requests from other systems, and stores the supplied syslog records in the CommuniGate Pro Logs, and, optionally in the Server OS syslog.

By default the CommuniGate Pro BSDLog syslog server is not activated.

Configuring the BSDLog Module

Use the WebAdmin Interface to configure the BSDLog module. Open the Services pages in the Settings realm, and open the BSDLog page:

Log Level: Listener
Use OS 'syslog'
Use this setting to specify which records the BSDLog module should put in the Server Log. The BSDLog module assigns:
  • the Crash level to syslog messages with Severity Codes 0,1, and 2
  • the Failure level to syslog messages with Severity Code 3
  • the Major level to syslog messages with Severity Code 5
  • the Problem level to syslog messages with Severity Code 4
  • the Low-Level level to syslog messages with Severity Code 6
  • the All Info level to syslog messages with Severity Code 7

The BSDLog module Log records are marked with the BSDLog tag.

Use this link to open the UDP Listener page and specify the port number and local network address for the BSDLog service, and access restrictions for that port. When the port number is set to 0, the BSDLog server is disabled.
By default syslog clients send requests to the UDP port 514.
If your server computer is already running some "BSD syslog" server, you may want to specify a non-standard port number here and reconfigure your syslog client software to use that port number.
Use OS syslog
If this option is enabled, the BSDLog module stores all received records via the Server OS syslog service.

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2018, Stalker Software, Inc.